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Home Up

Design / Create Update


You call the shots to ensure you are exactly where you want to be:

Key Benefits

You will have control over the state of your site at all times.
You can change any part of your website (or even the whole website) whenever you feel the need for it.
You don't need to have any knowledge of website creation in order to take advantage of all the internet can give you.


Our updating capabilities have thusfar exceeded the expectations of all our customers.

The process

Here we go about it by doing:

Order and Spec Creation - We confirm exactly what you want done (and where you want it done) before confirming the rough layout.
Physical Design - Again we turn talk into bits and bytes..
Acceptance - You must again accept what we designed for you.
Publishing - We will publish accepted updates within 24 hours of receiving a written acceptance.


Comments and suggestions will be appreciated, if they are constructive.

Created: 04-2001 by io,maverick and carrot