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Design / Create
Design / Create Update


The design and creation of a new website is done in consultation with you, the customer.  This means that you will also know what the progress is at any stage between the placing of the order and the publishing of the site.

Key Benefits

Your website will be comparable to other similar sites in terms of quality.  You can go to any of the other sites we created before and verify this.
You have maximum input in the end result.
You don't pay for what you don't want.  You can stop the process at any time, and only pay for what was done.


All of us have experience in designing and creating sites ranging from personal homepages to corporate intranet sections.  Needless to say that you will not be able to see any of the intranet sections.  We are all from a service / support background where personal interfacing with customers is of prime importance.

The process

The process we follow, is roughly as below:

Order and Spec Creation - We are all familiar with the determination and fixing of specifications for new tasks.  Your order and requirement will be confirmed and a rough layout will be decided upon.
Physical Design - Here we go into the little room with the small windows and do what was decided upon.
Acceptance - After creating the new site, we need your blessing (because you will start parting with your money after this!!)
Publishing - We will publish an accepted website within 24 hours of receiving a written acceptance.


Comments and suggestions will be appreciated, if they are constructive.

Created: 04-2001 by io,maverick and carrot